Monday, September 28, 2009

Crash Victims Identified

At 11 a.m. on Friday two vehicles collided head on about three miles east of White Earth on County Highway 34, and both then slid into Net Lake. The mother and two daughters in one vehicle were identified today as Sheyenne Lovely Norcross, 28, Rock E. Keezer III, 3, and Keyian A. Keezer, 8 months.


  1. Good job on your summary. You had some good specifics.

  2. That is such a sad story. you did a good job summarizing it. It is so sad that the mother and her two children died.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It is always so sad to hear about car accidents. Did they all die?

  5. It is so sad to hear that two children at such a young age died. I was also wondering if the people in the other car died?

  6. No, the man in the truck was treated for only minor injuries. Sorry, I forgot to put the link to the actual story...

  7. Grade: 9.5/10
    Mistake: You say that they were crash victims, but never point out they died. Someone is a victim if they are in a crash. Being a victim isn't synonymous with death.
