Monday, September 21, 2009

World's Oldest Man is a Minnesotan!

Walter Breuning was born in Melrose, Minn. and lived there for 22 years, at which point he moved to Montana and worked on railroads for 50 years. He will celebrate his 113th birthday today, making him the oldest man on Earth.

Star Tribune



  1. I like your paragraph because I didn't know about Walter Breuning. Good job on finding a unique topic and a nice public interest story! What year was Breuning born? I realize I could subtract 113 from 2009, but I don't feel like calculating.

  2. That's great learning about the oldest man living in Minnesota. You did a good summary and a great job at adding important numbers. I wonder what his secret is?

  3. That is really cool that the oldest man lives in Minnesota! I liked your summary of the article. It was very easy to understanding, and you provided interesting facts that related to your audience. Good job.

  4. That is so old, wow! I think it's awesome that he is from Minnesota. Thanks for finding this!

  5. Good summary, that's nuts that he is 113, my great-grandma lived until she was 102! Think of all the knowledge he has.

  6. Wow, Sam, this was a good story to tell. Did Breuning share any secrets for his super long life? I wonder how his health is?

    true grimes
